I believe that when we hear from God it is meant to be shared with others. Sometimes He will speak something meant for a specific person or for the church itself. I have found in ministry that when I tell others about things I have heard or seen that it causes a lot of them to become curious about all the things I tell them and they decide to start finding out for themselves. The word says "If you seek me, you WILL find me..." It is an honor and an extreme joy to know that my Father is listening to my prayers..He knows my thoughts and my heart. Lots of people in the Bible heard God's voice and they were afraid too. Moses, Abraham, Mary the mother of Jesus...but they spoke what they heard from God and just trusted Him. The enemy wants us to fear speaking about but he doesn't scare me...there are so many other scary things to fear in this world today. I love Jesus and its more frightening to think that I may be the one God chooses to tell another lost soul about His love and offer of salvation...because I it might make me uncomfortable. You'll be surprised if you give it a try because most people are longing for some kind of hope!

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You're so right, Diane. In the beginning, when I first began my practice of Listening for Guidance, God told me not to tell anyone. This was wisdom because I needed to learn to filter out my ego from the message. Eventually, God gave me the go-ahead to tell others, starting with people close to me, and gradually expanding that circle.

I didn't mean to make it sound like I was hesitating to convey messages I received for others. Far from it. The title of my article was just rhetorical. However, I just wasn't sure about making my practice publicly known beyond my congregation. That's not where I was feeling called. Not until recently.

But now my mission is to give my story to the world in written form. I've recently finished my first book of spiritual memoir. I plan to publish it here on Substack initially. I'll be releasing it a chapter at a time, starting in a few weeks. I know you'll be looking for it.

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