
Thank you for sharing this. Your words remind me of some things that I have neglected for a while. I have allowed the challenges of later life to reduce my contemplative time, replacing much of it with frustration with my age related shortcomings. Resentment of life’s flow is very destructive. One can choose to be angry or choose to surrender, and follow that inner voice. I too can immediately commune with that inner voice and with my maker. It is so tragic how often I choose anger and resentment over inner peace. I have several books waiting for me to return to writing them, and many paintings as well.

I just finished writing a Perl program to convert all my 100,000+ photos into a common format while preserving the originals. Naming them all to a common, “date-to-the-second”, naming convention. It has been fascinating watching the process and seeing the past 24+ years of my life, including my various characteristic obsessions over the years.

I grew up accomplishing so much through listening to my inner voice. Time to return to that.

Thanks again.

Gary W. Sherwin

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I often don’t know who I’m writing for. Glad to know it was you!



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Well, I bit the bullet and started my own disorganized Substack page. Perhaps something will come of it.

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Awesome! I feel like the pressure is really off when you’re retired and not looking to replace an income. You can relax and have fun with it.

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